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ScriptCaller FAQ.


There’s a Java-script function on my page, but it doesn’t appear in the list. Why?
I’ve inserted anything correctly, but my function isn’t called or is only called in one browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). Why?

There’s a Java-script function on my page, but it doesn’t appear in the list. Why?

Normally, all functions inserted by script-components are shown in the list. However, if you don’t see your function listed, you can simply enter any name you want in the text-field just below the Property-List.

I’ve inserted anything correctly, but my function isn’t called or is only called in one browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). Why?

In this case you use frames or you use layers to publish your page! When you use frames then enter the framename of the frame where the funktion is defined into the ‘Frame Name’ property in the ScriptCaller-Component and it should work. When using layers you actually can’t call the function ... I work on this.


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