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SiteProtector FAQ.


How well are the pages protected?

How I can prevent people from book-marking the protected page?

How well are the pages protected?

They aren't completely protected because it's only client-side javaScript-Protection. But it's still very well protected in the sense that everything is encrypted and the password isn't included directly. Many people have tried to break this protection - all have failed :-)

How I can prevent people from book-marking the protected page?

For this the Anti-Bookmarking techniques are now included. The best protection (since v4.10) is the protection with the use of Cookies. The Cookie will be set when the user enters a correct password, and will be deleted when you exit your browser. The second protection-method is good too, but only useful if you have one page to protect (the Cookie-solution can be used on an entire directory-tree).


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