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Component History - 1999.


Update INFO:


The ExpressPoll-Component has been updated to fix an minor bug and the DynamicPicture-Component for NOF 4.x has been updated too to fix an IMPORTANT bug.
Additionally the new Component AutomaticDownload is now available.


The following Components have been updated to fix bugs or add features :
HistoryButtonPicture, ExpressPoll, DynamicPicture, ScriptCaller


There are two new components available from the Apollon-Project. These are the ExpressPoll-Component to insert One-Question-Polls into your pages and the ImagePreloader to preload images in the background.


The BrowserPopup-Component has been updated to 3.53/4.11 to work around some IE-incompatibilities to the JavaScript definitions. The same for the SiteProtector - it’s in 4.12 now. All 3.x-Components are now compatible to NAS 2000 ...


The BrowserPopup for NOF 3 is updated to v3.52 to fix a minor problem. The ScriptCaller-Component is updated to 3.51/4.11 to insert Image-Alignment and the DynamicPicture-Component is updated to 3.52/4.12 to work-around an IE5 bug.
Additional to this I have added a new page where you can find Books for NetObjects Fusion or search for other books. This page is done in associaltion with Amazon.com.


The BrowserPopup for NOF 3 is updated to v3.51 to fix a minor problem with setting the image-position. The DynamicPicture component is updated to 3.51/4.11.


The BrowserRedirect and the SiteProtector components are updated to 3.51/4.11 to fix some problems. The SiteProtector now works with path’s and passwords with upper- and lowercase characters.


The whole Homepage and all Components are updated.
Look into the News-Section for more details.


Because of a small package problem, the Dynamic Picture-”installer” and the All Components-packs are now updated.


The PictureChanger-component has been updated to 3.1 / 4.01 and can now use local or remotely located images.


This is the first update of this page in the new year.
Now all components are prepared for use with NetObjects Fusion 4.0 - for these new component versions are now done. These components are mostly backward-compatible to the ‘old’ 3.x-pages and components.  Additional to this, the DynamicPicture-Component has been updated to 3.1 and now can target images in other frames. The LinkDropDown-component has been updated to 3.1 and the SiteProtector-component has been updated to 3.1 too and now includes anti-bookmarking techniques.


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