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Normal-Component FAQ.

Click here for Main FAQ Page.


Why don't I see all the available properties in the Component dialog-window (as they are shown on the web-page or in the PDF-file)?

Is there documentation available for these Components?

Why is there no Wizard or Custom-HTML option in the version 3.x Components?

Why don't I see all the available properties in the Component dialog-window (as they are shown on the web-page or in the PDF-file)?

You will only see the properties that are required, depending on your selections and choices. When you don't see a property, it’s because it’s not needed. When you use frames, you usually need to set a property...but then additional properties become available to you...and these are expanded according to your choices in the property fields...

Is there documentation available for these Components?

Yes! There are PDF files available with descriptions of all Component-Properties.

Why is there no Wizard or Custom-HTML option in the version 3.x Components?

The “Wizard” and “Custom-HTML” are only available in the 4.x Apollon Components.








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